Strawberry Square Dancing hosts lessons and dances for all ages and skill levels.

Beginners and advanced square dancers can find their next dance floor at Strawberry Square Dancing.

Open throughout the week, the company hosts lessons and dances for all ages, or at least those who know their lefts from their rights.

Cherylene Sorrells, dance committee chairperson, said that once you know which direction you’re going, the second-hardest part is simply listening to directions.

“Everybody will say, ‘Well, I got two left feet,’” Sorrells said. “And we said, ‘Well, we can fix that because it’s very easy.’”

Strawberry Square Dancing opened decades ago. It’s mostly seniors dancing on the floating hardwood floor in Plant City, but Strawberry Square Dancing is open to anyone who wants to join.

In addition to learning fun dances, Strawberry Square Dancing is a way to make friends, most of whom are from the same mobile home park. Groups of dancers have also traveled to different state conventions to showcase their routines.

The company hosts both square dance lessons and round dance lessons and dances for each style.

Classes for all skill levels start in January each year. It’s not a competition, Sorrells said, just lots of fun.

Sorrells said the reason she volunteers her time to the company is because she loves it.

“I love what I’m doing, I love the people, I love the dancing and it’s so good for your health and it’s fun,” she said.

Sorrells is a snowbird from Georgia. She said she started dancing when her kids graduated high school and she became an empty nester. One of her friends tried a square dancing lesson and encouraged her to join.

“We thought, ‘That looks like fun,’” she said. “So, we went and tried it, and we loved it.”

She said it’s an inexpensive way to get some activity in and sharpen your brain.

Lessons are $7 and the season runs from November through April, but Strawberry Square Dancing does offer some dances over the summer.

Strawberry Square Dancing is located at 4401 Promenade Blvd. in Plant City, off Boot Bay and Beauchamp roads.

For more information or to check the calendar for the most up to date information, visit or call the office at 813-752-0491.

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Lily Belcher
Lily Belcher is a writer for the Osprey Observer. She started as an intern in the summer of 2020 and has continued to write for the Osprey Observer since completing her internship. Lily is majoring in mass communications at the University of South Florida and is a staff writer for the university’s paper, The Oracle. She enjoys writing about local nonprofit organizations and community role models who have made an impact on her hometown.