Bay Life Meets Needs During Crisis Time With Online Services, Zoom...

In order to help its members during these unprecedented times, Bay Life Church, led by Pastor Mark Saunders, is putting faith into action. Starting in...

Dr. Gary Chapman, Author Of The 5 Love Languages, Speaking At...

Dr. Gary Chapman is an author, speaker and counselor with a passion for people and helping them form lasting relationships. He is the New...

Mission Provides Food For Children In Need

While many of us spend the weekends at cookouts, going out to eat or ordering in, there are many children in the community that...

ECHO Announces News Shares Program For Churches

ECHO of Brandon has been serving the hungry and vulnerable for 33 years, and the time of social isolation related to COVID-19 is no...

Churches Adjust Services To Follow CDC Guidelines

As the total number of cases of COVID-19 appear to be on the rise, religious communities throughout the world are finding new ways to...

First Presbyterian Will Host A Musical Performance To Raise Funds For...

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the concert has been cancelled. Anyone interested in more information or updates should contact First Presbyterian Church at 689-4597 or visit On...

5th Annual Saint Anne’s Golf Tournament Funds Its Many Ministries

Saint Anne Catholic Church will host its fifth annual golf tournament on Saturday, March 28. The Best Ball Golf Tournament will take place at...

Two Methodist Congregations Partner To Help Those In Need

Through the gracious help of volunteers and donations, Riverview United Methodist Church (UMC) operates RESTORE, a food pantry and thrift store. Every week, volunteers...

Find Fresh Fruit And Veggies At New Hope United Methodist Church...

Although gaining in popularity recently, food cooperatives have actually been in existence for more than 150 years. Typical food co-ops are local volunteer organizations...

Immanuel Lutheran Commemorates Its Golden Year Anniversary

Immanuel Lutheran Church of Brandon will commemorate 50 years on Sunday, April 5. The church began celebrating in September with its annual ‘Back To...