Safe Place Is There For Children And Teens Facing Immediate Crisis

Children and teens who are facing immediate crisis often think they have nowhere or no one to turn to. The truth is, that is...

Hillsborough Leads State In Local Preservation Efforts

Development fueled by population growth has been an ongoing issue for the past few years with Hillsborough County estimated to be home to over...

Community Invited To Share Their Vision For The Future Of Unincorporated...

With its enduring natural beauty, unique charm, and diversity, Unincorporated Hillsborough County is attracting national attention and unprecedented growth, both regionally and locally, as...

Hillsborough Surveying Residents About Waterset Sports Complex

Hillsborough County will soon open a huge new sports complex in Apollo Beach and wants to know what kind of organized sports residents would...

Hillsborough County Offers Scholarships To Low-income Hillsborough County Students

Hillsborough County offers scholarships to students who wish to pursue their postsecondary education. Students who qualify may apply for Hillsborough County’s Community Action Board...

Hillsborough County Receives $19.7 Million For Transportation Safety Improvements

Hillsborough County has been awarded a grant totaling $19.7 million to implement low-cost and proven safety measures. These include improving and adding sidewalks, bicycle...

HCPS Awarded School-based Mental Health Grant To Assist The Needs Of...

Hillsborough County Public Schools has been awarded a five-year School-based Mental Health (SBMH) grant for approximately $8.5 million. The grant is funded through the...

Fight The Blight Cleanup Set For March 3-10 In Gibsonton

How a community looks can impact how residents feel. Illegal dump sites and code violations can affect health, safety and property values throughout a...

Hillsborough County’s Sunshine Line Is A Beacon Of Hope For Those...

Hillsborough County’s Sunshine Line provides reliable transportation solutions so that the county’s most vulnerable residents get to where they need so they can lead...

Hillsborough County To Hold Shred Fest 2023 On March 4

Get ready for drive-through spring cleaning to help prevent identity theft.  Hillsborough County Consumer and Veterans Services will host Shred Fest 2023 on Saturday,...