Faith & Footprints: St. Paul’s Chapel – The Church That Survived...

Among the tragedies in New York City on September 11, 2001, a small beacon of hope remained intact across from the destruction of the...

Ghostly Memories Of A Community Are All That Remain Of Lillibridge

By Charles Nelson There were no guarantees that any pioneering community would last. Lillibridge, in Eastern Hillsborough County, located where today’s Jameson Rd. crosses...

Did You Know? Patron Saints For 50 States: Connecticut – St....

Catholic believers pray for the intercession of the saints in heaven so that they may pray for us on our behalf. Saints are able...

Faith & Footprints: Wai`oli Hui`ia Church And Mission House – Hawaii

With more tourist destinations opening up and welcoming back visitors, Hawaii is definitely on the list of many people’s travel plans. If you are...

Rooted In Baseball: Yankees Owner Creates Hillsborough Town

By Charles Nelson Here’s a trivia question for you. What Eastern or Southern Hillsborough community has a direct link with the New York Yankees? Well,...

Did You Know? Patron Saints For 50 States: Colorado – Mother...

Catholic believers pray for the intercession of the saints in heaven so that they may pray for us on our behalf. Saints are able...

Faith & Footprints: The Baltimore Basilica – Baltimore, Maryland

The Baltimore Basilica was founded in 1806 and is one of America’s premier displays of architecture, as well as the first great cathedral built...

Gibsonton Was A Carnival Town: Finding A Home

By Charles Nelson Gibsonton is a town with a fascinating slice of history unknown to many Hillsborough County residents. Nationally famous residents included Al and...

Did You Know? Patron Saints For 50 States: California – Junípero...

Catholic believers pray for the intercession of the saints in heaven so that they may pray for us on our behalf. Saints are able...

Faith And Footprints: Cathedral Of Maringá

Cathedral of Maringá is located in the town of Maringá - Floriano, Brazil and is one of the most important religious centers, the tallest...