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Garden District May Get Reclaimed Water

FishHawk Ranch District West resident Nick Barron, left, talks to his neighbors during a recent meeting in hopes of encouraging them to take advantage...

New Group Supports Special Needs Families in FishHawk and Beyond

Beth Bailey attended a church picnic in May with her two children Hannah and Gabriel. The picnic was run by HOPE, a program at...

Local Eighth Grade Student Starts Clean Water Project For Developing African...

Fourteen-year-old Spencer Renne is the founder of, a website and organization dedicated to funding the production of wells and pumps to provide clean...

YMCA Offers Swim Team, Lessons And In-Home Lessons In FishHawk This...

The Y is running several aquatic programs this summer, including a swim team for FishHawk residents that meets at the Aquatic Center on Mondays-Thursdays...

Detectives Arrest Five in Starling Community Car Burglary Case

HCSO detective James Howell, and Master Deputy Curtis A. Warren have recently arrested five individuals in connection with vehicle burglaries at Starling at FishHawk...

Residents Rally Against TECO Power Lines During Town Hall Meeting

FishHawk Ranch and Channing Park residents showed up in force to take part in the town hall-like meeting, filling the Palmetto Club banquette hall...

Honorary Mayor Candidates Announce Plans For 2012 Campaign

  Brandon is a town full of traditions. One of the time honored traditions is the annual Honorary Mayor's Race which has been run by...

St. Andrew’s Pastor Accepts New Challenge

Bob Gibbs has been pastor at St Andrew’s United Methodist Church since July 2007. His last Sunday is on Father’s Day, Sunday June 17. On...

Storms Announces Run for Property Appraiser

State Sen. Ronda Storms announced today that she would halt her campaign for reelection in order to run for the office of Hillsborough County...

Newcomers Club Helps Local Child With Funds For Seizure Sensing Therapeutic...

Newcomers Club, Publicity and Charity Chair  Renaulda Dangremond, joined by 6-year-old Andrew Smith and his mom Michelle after receiving a generous donation of $1,600...